Having existed for over 120 years, it goes without saying that the Ski Club has a huge amount of history. From pins and badges to skis and jackets, the Club’s archives are a treasure trove of the Club’s course and that of skiing itself.

Ski Club Library

The Ski Club library includes a vast array of Ski Club publications produced over the years, including back catalogues of Ski Survey, The British Ski Yearbook, and of course Ski+board. They are an invaluable chart to plot the course of skiing trends and Club activities through the years.

Artefacts & Treasures

The Club’s archives include over fifty linear metres of material. This includes minutes from Club meetings, commemorative almanacs from Winter Olympic Games, badges and trinkets, clothes, skis, and photo albums.

Call for Items

The Club and our archivists are always searching for new material to add to the Club’s collections. Of particular interest are back copies of magazines dating from around the 1970s to the 1990s. Please note, that our archives are only able to accept materiel either of direct relation to the Club, its Members, and its activities, or belonging to Members of importance – for more details please contact DMU on the above contact details.

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